Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A typical day...

Wait mom - we need to fix our hair!

Emerson pushing his sisters stroller - but its ok...he is pushing his dvds of course!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Coping without mamma and pappa....

Emerson finally got his Professor!

Zoë loves her kitchen and can play with it all day!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Time to say goodbye - so go to IKEA!

We made a quick stop at Ikea - since Grandma and Grandpa have never been!

So we played!

Zoë is loving her baby food - she is super picky. She only likes Plum Organics, but it smells so good even I would eat it!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chuck E Cheese = Don't go on a Saturday!

Emerson couldn't wait to play after standing in line...but I think Grandpa was just as excited!

Emerson loves Bob the Builder!

Zoë loved watching all the people, and had fun with grandma and grandpa!

Friday, January 27, 2012


Such a beautiful perfect day at Leavenworth!

Time for sledding!

Yummy! Zoë 's first hot dog!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Share? Whats that?

Grandpa - Emerson wont share his candy.

Don't let sissy have it!


Mom - now I stole your pop!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We love the Childrens Museum!

Time for a ride!

Lets go on a plane ride!

Zoë's loves to watch Emeson play!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Time to Jump!

Emerson loved taking a break to play air hockey!

Yay..... this was so much fun! Can you guess how many times we did it?

Zoë's first time at Pump it Up!

Monday, January 23, 2012

What we are up to today!

Snuggle time with Grandma!

Hmmm...should I find my scissors to cut these up? Or crayons to color? Its paper!

Miss Z loves Bathtime!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Like our new hair accessories?

We love to play dress up - don't you like our new hairdo?

Grandpa likes to dress up to!

Look at my new Headwarmer and Cowl that Grandma made me! Want to buy one? Go HERE!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


When my mom goes to Hobby Lobby - I get fish!

When my brother isn't looking - I steal his bullets!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Clean or Messy?

We love to play, we drag all our toys from one room to the next and make messes all day.

Mom says I need to have clean ears, and cut my nails. So here I go!

My Grandma loves me!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Snow everywhere!

We absolutely love the snow in this house!

Even the UPS and Fedex men came today - when almost everything was closed! Emerson had to get his rocket - thanks Grandma & Grandpa!

A fun little trip to the store on the sled.

Then his girlfriend Harli came over to play!

Now the perfect way to end the night - Smores and hot chocolate! Of course Emerson had to go hide in his playhouse :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A day of firsts and some fun!

What a way to start the day off, at Emerald City Smoothie! James favorite place to go, and Emerson got a mini cup full just for himself!

Then a playdate at the mall while mom went shopping!

Emerson decided he wants to use the "Toilet", he doesn't like to say potty - just "Toilet". So we went and bought him big boy underwear!

Zoe had a big day! It was her first day to officially crawl! And then she decided she wanted to pull up on everything and try to walk!

Then lots more playing in the snow!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What we do when it snows...

Play with grandpa and grandma, lots of toys everywhere! Today favorite - cars.

Lots of sledding and playing outside.

We got a package for Emerson with his new Einstein Laptop. Of course, Zoe wants it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chuck E Cheese

Emerson loved playing in the playplace....especially when mom joined.

This ride he loved.

But this was his favorite! It took a picture each time he rode in it - lets say we have lots of pictures!

Zoe loved watching her brother play, well her dad and grandpa even more!